Extended Care
Sacred Heart Parish School’s Extension Program offers quality care for children after school for all regularly enrolled students. Per Diocesan policy, Extension services operate only on days when school is in session. The Extension Program offers computer enrichment and time set aside for homework, as well as games and snacks. Extension services are not available when the school is closed or after school on days immediately prior to school vacations (Christmas and Summer). Complete information on Extension fees and program policies are contained in the “Extension Program Guidelines” available through the school or Extension office.
Afternoon Extension services begin immediately after school dismissal. On regular school days Extension is open from 2:00pm – 6:00pm. On minimum school days Extension is open from 12:00pm – 6:00pm. Since the cafeteria is closed for lunch on minimum days, a bag lunch is required for all afternoon extension students.
Extended Care Options for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten
Several plans available