Service Hours
Active two parent families are required to fulfill 40 service hours per school year. Included in this total is:
- 3 required hours at the Fall Festival
- 6 required hours at the Holiday Home Tour
- 3 required hours at the Crab Feed/Auction
- 3 required hours at other Misc Mandatory Events
- 25 additional Family Service Hours
Active single parent families are required to fulfill 20 service hours per school year. Included in this total is:
- 3 required hours at the Fall Festival
- 3 required hours at the Holiday Home Tour
- 3 required hours at the Crab Feed/Auction
- 11 additional Family Service Hours
Family service hours are recorded for the year from mid-May to the following mid-May. Each family is responsible for knowing and understanding what qualifies for family service hours and for submitting them in a timely manner.