Uniform Policy
Our Sacred Heart school uniform represents solidarity with the entire Catholic educational community and is a good reflection of each student’s own school pride. Students are best prepared for school when they are properly dressed and groomed in school uniform; thus encouraging better self-discipline within students, while reducing peer pressure on campus.
By registering their child(ren) at Sacred Heart Parish School, parents indicate their intention to accept and observe the school’s uniform dress code.
Sacred Heart Parish School students are to be in uniform starting the first day of school. Uniforms are compulsory for both girls and boys. Students are expected to follow standards of cleanliness, neatness, and modesty in everything they wear. The school uniform must be worn at all times (except on non-uniform dress days). Any violation of the uniform policy will result in age-appropriate responses being taken by homeroom teachers/administration for noncompliance including: parent notification, parents called to campus to correct the violation, or disciplinary action (notice, probation, suspension, expulsion) for serious and/or habitual violations.
Girls' Uniforms
Grades TK -3: Shift or skort in Hamilton plaid (Note: Navy blue skirts are not allowed. Skirts are to be no shorter than 1" above the knee)
Grades 4 – 8: Shift or skort in Hamilton plaid; or knife pleat/box pleat skirt in Hamilton plaid (Note: Navy blue skirts are not allowed. Skirts are to be no shorter than 1" above the knee)
Pants/Shorts: Navy blue twill walking shorts that are no more than 3 inches above the knee, nor hemmed below the knee; navy blue twill long pants “Docker” style. No shorts or pants may be worn below the waistline. NO CARGO PANTS OR SHORTS ARE ALLOWED. No shorts/pants below the waistline.
Shirts: Plain white polo or peter-pan style shirts. Red and navy polo shirts (with SHPS logo) from Dennis Uniform are an additional option. Shirts must have a collar and be tucked in. White long-sleeve polo shirts from Dennis Uniform, and white turtlenecks under uniform shirts, may be worn during cold weather.
Sweatshirts: Uniform only, SHPS red (grades TK-8) or navy (grades 7 & 8) crew neck. No other sweatshirts are allowed at school. This includes other school related sweatshirts such as sports team, academic decathlon, etc. These may be worn only on designated days. Uniform navy fleece vest or jacket and uniform red cardigan sweaters may be worn.
Stockings: Knee-hi or calf length crew sock in solid red, white or navy, NO LOGOs. Red, white or navy tights may be worn during cold weather. Other colors, or patterned socks or leg wear are not allowed. Leg warmers or cropped leggings may not be worn.
Shoes: Tennis shoes or athletic shoes are preferred. High laced boot style tennis shoes are not permitted. Shoes must have toes and heels enclosed. Sandals, UGGS or other boots or clogs are not allowed. Tennis shoes or athletic shoes are preferred. All shoes must be tied, fastened or worn secured at all times (no exceptions). On P.E. days, tennis shoes must be worn and tied in the traditional fashion.
PLEASE LABEL ALL ARTICLES OF CLOTHING. The school accepts no responsibility for locating lost clothing.
Boys' Uniforms
Pants/shorts: All grades (TK-8): Navy blue twill walking shorts that are no more than 3 inches above the knee nor hemmed below the knee; navy blue twill long pants “Docker” style. Beginning in 3rd grade, solid black or navy blue belts must be worn at all times with shorts/pants that have belt loops. NO CARGO PANTS OR SHORTS ARE ALLOWED.
Shirts: Plain white polo shirts. Red or blue polo shirts (with SHPS logo) from Dennis Uniform are additional options. Shirts must have a collar and be worn tucked in. White long sleeved polo shirts from Dennis Uniform, and white turtlenecks under uniform shirts, may be worn during cold weather.
Sweatshirts: Uniform only, SHPS red (grades TK-8) or navy (grades 7 & 8) crew neck. No other sweatshirts are allowed at school. Uniform navy blue fleece vest or jacket.
Socks/Shoes: Calf length crew sock in solid white, navy or red, NO LOGOs. Shoes are to be worn at all times. Shoes must have toes and heels enclosed. Sandals, clogs, and boots are not allowed. Tennis shoes or athletic shoes are preferred. All shoes must be tied, fastened or worn secured at all times (no exceptions). On P.E. days, tennis shoes must be worn and tied in the traditional fashion.
PLEASE LABEL ALL ARTICLES OF CLOTHING. The school accepts no responsibility for locating lost clothing.